Blog | Warehouse Guitar Speakers


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Warning: For those of you who have been reading this blog regularly, this may seem like a re-hashing of the same old stuff.  GUILTY!  I just can’t help myself.  Yesterday I was having a conversation with some guys at the Y ... the kind of conversation that can only take place in a sauna.  As we sweated it out, we were talking about the state of America.  As always, one guy made the comment that "Until we start manufacturing products again, America will never be great like it used to be".  All heads nodded up and down.  This seems to be the feeling of...

Guitar Shows are GREAT!

I’m really no different than the average WGS aficionado.  Very, very few of my guitars or amps have come to me in any of the "usual" ways.  It’s not that I don’t love music stores - I do, really!  However, most of my gear arrives having first been pawned, or set out at a yard sale.  I love a great deal, and I love used gear, too.  I like to say that I don’t feel comfortable playing a guitar that doesn’t have more experience than I do; same goes for an amp.  I love gear with "experience".  That’s why I love guitar shows.At The Music City Guitar Show...

Marshall's great sleeper amp - the Artist 3203/4203

Possibly the best Marshall deal out there?  The Marshall Artist 3203 (head) and 3204 (1x12 Combo). Great Marshall crunch, superb Fenderish cleans, and best of all, they can usually carry a very reasonable price tag. Photo courtasy of Elderly Instruments If you’re like me, you love the amazing crunchy power that only a full Marshall stack can deliver, but how often do most of us wind up on a stage where we can crank a JTM 45 through a full stack?  In my case, nearly never!  That, my friends, is why I’m so crazy about the 3203; read on and I’ll make my case for this...

Wiring a 4x12 cab- UPDATE!!

Hi everybody!  I decided I needed to post this update to my earlier blog about wiring a four-speaker cabinet.  Sometimes a man has got to admit when he's wrong - and this is one of those times. An extended member of the WGS family has done a fantastic job of dissecting the pros and cons of the two methods of wiring a 4-speaker cabinet ... and I want to share it with you!  In a few days I’ll be bringing you the best Marshall sleeper amp of all time - this is the amazing deal you all want!  Until then, read on for some valuable, and extremely well thought-out info on...

A Thanksgiving Blog

Okay gang, I’ve been keeping my wandering little artsy-fartsy brain in check and doing a pretty good job of keeping this blog on the topic of speakers, tone, guitars, amps, and that kind of stuff.  But it is Thanksgiving this week after all, and Dave just posted a blog on Hash brown Casserole ... so I figure I deserve a little poetic license to blog about whatever in the heck I feel like this time around.  I feel like talking about Thanksgiving.  Let’s go! I darn sure don’t act like it, but I’m more-or-less what you would call a middle-aged man.  I’ve lived long...

Dean's Secret Recipe

You may not be aware that a very dear member of the WGS team is our production manager Dean.  He's a great guy and we wanted to introduce the blog readers to him.  Dean has decades of experience cooking up great speakers like all the WGS crew.  As it turns out, he also has a few tricks up his sleeve in the kitchen!  Last year about this time I convinced him to share his hash brown casserole recipe with all the WGS staff.  Everyone went home and made some for their family's Thanksgiving feast.  This year I twisted his arm even harder and convinced...

The not-so-standard pairing!

Hi fellow tone seekers!  This week I received an email from a WGS devote who was putting together a cabinet with a 12" and a 10" driver; he wanted my input as to which 12 to pair up with the G10C he planned to use in the cab.  That question really got me to thinking!  Now, we often respond to questions about loading up 2x12, 4x12, 2x10, and 4x10 cabinets and combos, but I hadn’t thought about a more unusual pairing like this in a long time.  In the golden amp days of the 1950’s and 60’s there were a number of 10/12 combos made, and even a few 10/15 models.  I...

Sleeper Amps part 1 - the Randall RG80ES

Hi amp lovers everywhere!  This week I want to start a discussion about "sleeper amps".  This is the crusp of what WGS is all about.  We are folks who really love to take the road less traveled, and we are often rewarded with aural nirvana not known to the masses.  We’re not going to waste our time saying all the same old stuff about all the same old amps - no way, baby!  We’re talking about diamond-in-the-rough amps that can really deliver some serious tone, yet have largely managed to fly under the tone radar up to this point.  I hope this will become...

How to properly wire a 4x12 speaker cabinet

So, this week I received an email from Scott, a WGS aficionado who was inquiring as to how he should wire his Marshall-style 4-12 cabinet.  To be honest, I hadn’t given that one any thought in a couple of decades, and it made me think.  In essence, there are two ways to wire up a 4 speaker cabinet that both wind up with the cabinet having the same impedance as any one of the individual drivers, or in other words, a cabinet with four 8-ohm speakers that ends up with a total cabinet impedance of 8-ohms. The two main methods of arriving at this means are as follows:...

The Fender Champ Amp & the WGS G8C

Hey ya all!  This week I’m doing something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, audition the G8C in my Fender Champ Amp.  I’ve been excited about this speaker ever since I found out that WGS was making a speaker specifically for the Champ.  I tell ya what, I won’t waste any of your time, lets get right down to the video!  I hope you all appreciate that I set up some good mics for this little shoot-out.  Panned to one side is an AKG 414 as a distant mic and on the other side is an Audix D1 close up to the grill.  Read on for the video shoot-out! Here is...
