Should I Replace My Speaker or Replace The Amp
So, we design, make, and sell speakers, which makes you think we'd be biased, right? Wrong. Truth is, we're players just like y'all; we balance budgets and try to figure out if we can afford new gear or need to fix the car instead just like you! I've been amazingly blessed and fortunate to have made tone and guitar gear my life's pursuit for nearly four decades now, I've swapped more speakers in more amps than any other human who has or will ever live. I am the worlds preeminent authority on speaker swaps. Okay ... maybe I need to stop listening to pro wrestlers speeches, or President Trump, for that matter; but hey, if ya don't toot your own horn, who's going to? But it IS true that I have a lot of experience in this, and I'd love to pass this experience on to you. It's what I do, I'm here for you! Let's dig in.