The Fargen John Lennon Guitar Amp | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

The Fargen John Lennon Guitar Amp

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The Fargen John Lennon Guitar Amp

Fargen John Lennon Guitar Amp

Yesterday I was preparing my annual January blog on cool new WGS products when I received a commanding "stop the press" shout.  Actually, it was a text.  The text was from WGS production manager Dean Birdsong, from the floor of the big NAMM convention in California.  It contained the image you see here.  Okay, so it’s cool to see WGS guys Jason, David & Dean; but man, look at that amp!  Let’s talk about that amp.WGS Speaker in Fargen John Lennon Amplifier

In a nutshell, this is one insanely cool piece of gear.  For all the details, I suggest you go to the Fargen Amps site.  Mr. Fargen pulled out all the stops and left no detail un-attended to, no matter how infinitesimal.  From the meticulous circuit design to the nearly obsessive attention to ascetic detail to the totally over-the-top selection of individual components, this amp has no peers.  As a bona fide tone freak, I can intimately appreciate the vintage style "mustard" tone caps and old-world hand selected carbon-comp resistors; but that speaker, man oh man, that speaker!  That beautiful white alnico honey is quite a thing to behold, it appears just as lovingly selected and nourished as every other piece of this beautiful tapestry of an amplifier.  And well it should.  That speaker, you see is a very special product produced by WGS specifically for the John Lennon amplifier, in design cooperation with Mr. Ben Fargen himself.  Yes, that stunning beauty was produced with love by expert hands in Paducah Kentucky; that beauty is one of our own.Fargen John Lennon Guitar Amp WGS Speaker

If you are a guitar tone aficionado, and are able, I can not suggest highly enough that you acquire one of these uniquely beautiful tone and time machines.  If not, enjoy these images; so sexy that some may consider them guitar-porn.

Fargen John Lennon Guitar Amp controls

Fargen John Lennon Guitar Amp Top

Fargen John Lennon Guitar Amp Grill

For all the details on this beauty, see:

Next week: The inside scoop on new WGS products slated to roll-out in 2013.  You are going to want to hear this!

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