Blog | Warehouse Guitar Speakers


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Tiny Tube Amps

More speaker shoot-outs this week!   In a way, this week’s blog is an extension of the work we started with last week’s speaker shoot outs; but in another way, it’s the exact opposite!   Last week we were comparing rock tones as dished out by a fire-breathing Marshall JCM 900.  This week’s tones will be coming to you via a couple of "tiny tube amps", an Eppiphone Valve Jr., and a Vox lil’ Night Train.  These amps reflect a trend that we’ve seen in the last couple of years towards low-wattage tube amps.  These are not amps that will keep up with a...

High-Gain Britt-Voiced Speaker Shoot out!

Hey all you faithful tone seekers!  This week I’m back to speaker shoot-outs with accompanying videos.  This week’s shoot-outs pit some of WGS’s best Britt voices speakers against their classic Celestion counterparts.  If you do check out the videos, be sure to listen through good sounding full-range reference monitors (speakers); some of the tonal differences were fairly nuance-level.  We used a matching pair of Marshall JCM 900’s, and this was all about high-gain rock tone.  Okay, so ya ready?  Let’s get to the first round in this particular smack-down, a...

The (Amp) Love Doctor Is In (again)

"Wanted: One sweet little lady with a generous bottom and a sweet personality, who is able to gracefully handle my overwhelming 100-watt personality. Ideal candidate would be healthy as a 19 year old, but with the wisdom and experience of a gal three times her age." Over the last few weeks I have once again been receiving a bunch of inquiries as to which speaker would be the best fit for a particular amp and style of playing.  I’m often a bit hesitant to give an overly forceful recommendation because, as I discussed in my original Love Doctor blog, not every couple is,...

10" Shoot Out Finale - The BIG GUNS!

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is it, this is what you have been waiting for! The great finale.  This week I conclude the ultimate 10-inch shootout. If you caught the last two blogs, then you know that the diminutive little  WGS Veteran 10 has been doing amazingly well, sounding richer and warmer and beefier on the bottom end and smoother on the top end than either the Jensen P10R Alnico or the Eminence/Fender blue-frame Alnico ten .  In this last shootout, I’m going to pull out the big guns, the WGS G10A and G10C. As before, we used a pair of matching Custom Vibrolux...

More about the big ten-inch! (Shoot-out part duex!)

Twelve-inch speakers get all the glory, but personally, I love ten-inch transducers.  Many of my favorite amps of all time produce their magical sound through either a quartet or a duet of ten-inch speakers. So, last week we did a little shoot-out of tens in Super Reverbs, trying to see just how close we could get a modern Reproduction Super Reverb Amp to sound like a vintage ’67 model ... and darn if the little WGS Vet Tens didn’t almost do it!  Okay, so this week I’m doing another great speaker shoot-out involving the WGS Veteran 10.  In this shoot-out, I aim to...

Shoot-Out at The Super Reverb Corral!

Hi fellow tone junkies!  This week I’m doing another great speaker shoot-out involving the WGS Veteran 10.  I’ve been hearing from amp and cabinet builders out there how amazing these diminutive little transducers are in 4x10 cabinets and combos, and I wanted to thoroughly investigate the claims.  The benchmark tone is my beloved ’67 Blackface Super Reverb Amp with its original CTS Alnico speakers.  Going up against the grand old gal is a modern Fender Super Reverb Repro Amp; first with the factory Jensen P10R Alnico tens, and then with a quartet of WGS Veteran 10s...

A Few Of My Favorite Things

I need ya all’s help.  I’ve had a bugger of a cold the last week, and for the most part, I’ve been banished to the spare bedroom in what will probably prove to be a futile attempt to keep the cold from spreading to the rest of the family.  So, I’ve caught up on a lot of reading, and watched way too much television.  I fellow can get a little blue in this state if he ain’t careful.  Okay, do you all remember the song from The Sound of Music that goes "I simply remember a few of my favorite things, and then I don’t feel so bad"?  Well, let’s all put a list...

The Fender Champ II - one Rare Bird!

Ya all know me well enough by now to know that I’m a big fan of vintage Fender amps.  Primarily, I like the tweed and blackface era amps ... they rock, and in their day, no other amp could touch them in performance, quality and value.  However, things really began to change at fender in the late 1970’s.  The CBS bean-counters had cut corners again and again, and basically ran the Fender name straight down into the mud.  Right about that time, a fellow named Randall Smith was really shaking things up with his new Mesa-Boogie amps, which began life as souped-up Fender...

A "Sleeper Amp" from New Zealand

It’s been a miserable day today ... cold, rainy, just plain yucky.  I know, those of you in the mid-west and northern states are right now wondering what the heck I’m wining about, right?  And those of you who are reading this from Nordic and Scandinavian locations must just plain think I’m a whimp!  But, let’s face it, this winter, for most of us in the US, has been a long and dreary one.  As I sat down to start this blog, I was all prepared to give myself a little pep-talk to get my attitude in the right place for ripping out an awesome blog.  But then the...

Update from Latest Speaker Winner:

Howdy Vaughn!  Just a quick note to inform you that I received the Green Beret speaker(s) from your giveaway and...once again... I am pleased to sing the praises of  WGS speakers. These speakers are exceptional!!  In a side by side comparison with their contemporary...WGS has thwarted the undesirable aspects of the Greenback and have achieved tonal bliss. The 2x12 configuration I'm testing them in is tonal ecstasy. I'll have to get busy and build a 4x12... and buy more speakers. I believe I have finally found the tone I've been striving...
