speaker that sounds more like it is in a closed back cab..... | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

speaker that sounds more like it is in a closed back cab.....

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02/29/2016 9:19am

I want to buy a new speaker,, WGS seems like really good speakers.. 

I got a empty palmer open back cab 1x12 cab.. 


I like the sound of vintage 30 in closed back cabs... Not so much in open back where they loose the upper tigher lows...  Also the mids sounds better when the vintage 30 sits in an closed back cab.. No idea why... 

I read that putting a speaker into a closed back where trapped air acts as a spring maintain control of the speaker and raises the RF value from say 80Hz (rf for a vintage 30) to 110-120hz from open E to open A.. That 110-120hz resonance is tighter and more audible than the boomy low E.. 

I know jazzers hate that boomy low E and possible also the open A in an open back cab and hence change to a speaker like a EVL12 with a low RF value of 49Hz which is not produced on the guitar and hence loose the boomy resoance of the low E/A you get from speakers with RF around 80 to 110Hz..

I personlly like the tighter upper lows (110hz-120hz) of a closed back celestion cab... whis WGS speaker do you think will get me closet to the "closed back" vitnage 30 sound... 

Also Total Q plays a role.. I think Eminence recommends for their speakers that below 0.4 is for a tuned ported cab, 0.4-0.7 recommended for closed back cabs and above 0.70 works fine in open backs... CLose to 0.7 can work in both open and closed back.. .

What speaker in your WGS arsenal has that british sound but has a RF a little higher with a louder and tighter upper bass ??


Regards ANders

03/12/2016 5:18pm

hummmmm .... a tough one!  NOTHING but a closed-back cab sounds like a closed back cab!  Yes, I agree that Vint 30's sound best in a closed cab ... after all they WERE designed to be in a sealed box!  Every time I see them in a open-back combo I think what a poor choice it is!

Anyway ... the first thing for you to consider is the RETRO 30 ... very similar voice to the Vet/Vint 30 ... but with a tighter bottom-end and more top chime ...

Second, you already hit on this ... The WGS12L, for the reasons you mentioned!

Third ... and probably my #1 pick, would be the ET65 ... these always sound fantastic in an open-0back ... and they are endowed with a heaping helping of those "upper tighter lows" you seek!