Best 10" speaker for harmonica amp | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Best 10" speaker for harmonica amp

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08/27/2016 7:48pm

I've been using a Fender SuperChamo X2 for harp. I put a WGS G10C/S in it right after I got a few years ago. The G10C/S made this little amp come to life! Twice as loud and much better tone. The amp is still a little bright when I crank it, but over all very nice tone. The problem is that the amp is only 15 watts and just not loud enough on a live stage with a band. I have to fold it back through monitors and that's a real headache.

So, I'm having a 2X10 cab built and I've stepped up to a 50 watt head. I'm planning to use the G10c/S in the new cabinet, but I am wondering if my best move is to pair it with another G10C/S or pair is with a different speaker? With harp, I have to keep the top under control, but don't want it to sound boomy/bassy, still need enough top to cut and divine what I'm playing. Not your typical blues harp player, I play leads like a guitar player would. With the more powerful amp, the G10C/S doesn't seem to break up as early. Harp mics are prone to feedback, so my input gain is limited by this. I have to turn the output volume down to get it to break up, but can't afford to lose any volume. Any ideas on how a different speaker might help would be appreciated. Perhaps simply adding another G10C/S would give me enough increase in volume that I could afford to dial back output volume?.. Trying to figure out my best next move! 

09/05/2016 11:24am

Without knowing exactly what the amp is I can't answer 100% definitely ... but I'd say in general one G10C and one G10C/S would be the best in a 2x10 for harp.