need help with selecting a speaker pair for metal | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

need help with selecting a speaker pair for metal

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12/15/2016 3:28pm

   ok so im new to wgs and i need some help finding the right pair for a 4x12 i looked in the forum for answers but didnt find the answer i was lookin for. what i wanted to know is can i pair the ET65 with a reaper 55 or is this not a good pairing? i checked out some videos of the ET65 and i love its tone alot and i checked out the reaper 55 and liked it too. i play many types of metal and go for a chainsaw like guitar sound (think tone from bloodbath's eaten song and 'like fire' song) i play in downtuned drop A but im also a 8 string player with a low E or D (bass pitch). i also play modern technical metal and djent with alot of mids and upper mids scoped lower mids and tight moderate lows. and i play hardcore stuff like norma jean which is on of the reasons why i like the ET65. it reminds me of them. and i like its mids & highs shape alot but im worried the et65 wont have enough omph in the low end for the thick slightly fuzzy chainsaw tones and for low stuff in general. so whats a good speaker to pair with it to get a thumpin low end?. like i said i was thinking reaper 55 would be nice but idk how well that would work. I heard that if two speakers sound too different form each other they wont sound good together. so what would you guys recommend? thanks alot!. ~Jeremy.

PS i like some speaker break up i dont like it when they're super clean and sterile yuch! :)

12/15/2016 5:22pm

 "can i pair the ET65 with a reaper 55 or is this not a good pairing"

It's only good IF you  have a bright amp you really want to darken.

"so whats a good speaker to pair with it to get a thumpin low end?"

Man ... I'd pair the ET65 (or ET90) with a Retro 30 ... which will add in both the thumpin bottom, and an articulate top.

12/16/2016 10:36am

ok sounds like what im looking for. i didnt notice the retro 30 i just checked it out and the description sounds perfect! thanks alot Vaughn for your help i really appreciate it!. cheers from springfield ohio :) ~Jeremy.