4x12 with all different speakers | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

4x12 with all different speakers

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Matt Owen
12/06/2017 3:36pm

Anyone ever tried this? Is it just to much?

12/10/2017 10:32am

I`d tried 2 different cabs. 2x12: WGS Vet 30 & HM-75 and a 4x12 with Celestion greenbacks. Sound was realy powerfull! I liked it.

I`m thinking about using a 4x12 with Vet 30, HM-75, ET-65 and Invader.

12/10/2017 1:37pm

Just keep in mind that there can be strong phase-cancellations between speakers, as cone resonances can be out of phase within the same freq range. My guess would be to only include one type of speaker that doesn't have a wide felt dust cover. The above 4-way combination may work well if the Invader and Vet 30 sound good together, and the Vet 30 sounds good with the other two (which apparently sound great together). Looking at my FA graphs, the low end should be pretty even and deep with the two mid-bass scooped and two mid-bass strong speakers. The signature Vet 30 mid growl might be lost, but it's probably worth a try to hear what you get. If there aren't significant cancellations, it should be a full, sweet and versatile sounding cab, and you can mic any speaker for individual character. I say go for it unless someone who knows otherwise says not to.

Matt Owen
12/10/2017 8:04pm

Yeah my thoughts too, currently I have 3 wgs speakers in it and am trying to decide on a 4th. Its a Peavey cab and you can switch from a 412 mono or stereo with 2 speakers on each side. I have a Vet30 and HM75 on one side and it sounds great with my Diamond Phantom amp. I am going to put a Ret30 on the other side with another speaker but cant decide between a Reaper HP or ET65. I also have an Invader I am going to try mixed with a Vintage 30 in my 212 Diamond cabinet.

Matt Owen
12/20/2017 8:31pm

Just a quick update, so I have tried multiple combinations between my 4x12 cab and 2x12 cab. The 2x12 is my primary live use and my 4x12 is mostly just at home for fun, practice, and recording. I decided I want to keep one Celestion V30 in my 212 and mix with something so I tried the invader which is too fat in the mids for me in that cab, I think if you did overdrive light gainy type classic rock n blues it would be great, I am going to try it in the 4x12 though. I tried a vet 30 with the vin 30, that sounded really good but missed a little sparkle on the cleans and overdrive but great on high gain, I tried the hm75 wit vin 30, that sounded really nice and clear on all channels, would probably be the best for constant tuned down metal, it missed a little something in the mids on clean and low gain though, although very clear, last I tried an et65 with the vin30, at first it seemed slightly bright to me but its a new 65 and needs some break in, I just lightly backed the highs down and the room sound and recorded sound was exactly what I wanted, chimey cleans, awesome overdrive and low gain tones, excellent high gain tight, clear, ballanced tones. I dont know why I hesitated on this speaker but everything Vaughn says is right, this mixed with a retro or in my case a vintage 30 is the best of all worlds on all types of music. On my 4x12 I have a retro30, and hm75 on the bottom, et65 and Im going to try the invader on the top. Its stereo also so I can split it to just the retro et sound or hm invader sound. I will post how that goes when I get ut done.

12/21/2017 12:55am

Awesome update, thanks!
I'm looking forward to your 4x12 experiment - I've always wondered if with four mics it would be like recording four different cabs.

Matt Owen
12/23/2017 4:51pm

So I got the invader top left and hm75 bottom left, retro30 top right and et65 bottom right, each side individually is pretty cool and all 4 together sounds really good, this is probably what I will stick with. It may be overkill, but it does sound good and tons of options if I want to mic up each one or just run one half or two amps in stereo.

I cant say enough good things about the et65 and vintage 30 in my Diamond 212 cabinet, it’s absolutely amazing, very clear, big, and tight sounding. I always loved the sound with the 2 v30’s it came with but didnt realize what the et65 can bring and mixes with this style of speaker do well, it brings great chime on the clean stuff and great clarity on high gain.

Matt Owen
12/23/2017 4:52pm

So I got the invader top left and hm75 bottom left, retro30 top right and et65 bottom right, each side individually is pretty cool and all 4 together sounds really good, this is probably what I will stick with. It may be overkill, but it does sound good and tons of options if I want to mic up each one or just run one half or two amps in stereo.

I cant say enough good things about the et65 and vintage 30 in my Diamond 212 cabinet, it’s absolutely amazing, very clear, big, and tight sounding. I always loved the sound with the 2 v30’s it came with but didnt realize what the et65 can bring and mixes with this style of speaker so well, it brings great chime on the clean stuff and great clarity on high gain.

12/28/2017 12:34am

OK, we heard ya' the first time. ;) So, that would be two thicker-coned paper-cap speakers on top of two thinner-coned/felt-cap, all with very similar sensitivity and low & high end extension — good place to start. Assuming inner-cone resonances don't mutually cancel, I'd guess the Retro supersedes the Invader midrange and may smooth out the high end as well, but you can always get that "raw" Invader high end quality via separate mic's. I imagine the felt-cap speakers won't cause any inner-cone cancellations, at least until any of the cones start to break up -- anyone's guess then. Seems like a potentially great combo. You may have just made history as the first to mix four guitar speakers in one cab!

Love a camera mic'd video demo at cab center from like 4~6' just to hear how they all combine when you get a chance. Outside or in a treated room would of course be ideal. I'm mainly interested in the mid to high end, but you can find the best mic spot by playing pink noise in the room though a decent speaker while moving a cell phone around with an installed analyzer app. I bought 'Spectrum Analyze' on the Google Play store for $1. It takes some understanding to set it up to find a spot with the most even bass response, but it's not that hard if you know just a few things. I set both the audio and FFT rates to 48kHz for good visual bass resolution, and then focus the other settings on the freq and dB range just above the highest significant bass valley. Hit reset a few times to see the averaged curve from wherever you are. You certainly can't get it near flat in any room, but you can find the best compromise — maybe at ~32% from the front to rear, side to side, and ceiling to floor axis'...as I recall. Not crucial, but it might be fun and useful to try out...or just set up the rig and record from 4~6' center cab if you can.

Matt Owen
12/28/2017 10:42pm

Not sure why my last post went up twice, I do plan to post some sounds. I will check that app out.