Boss Katana 50 12" Replacement. | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Boss Katana 50 12" Replacement.

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MIchael Wojciak
08/08/2017 8:47pm

Hi all,
Just got a used Boss Katana today. I am really considering upgrading the stock 12" speaker. The issue is the cabinet is very small.
So...if anyone has already made this swap, and has a nice fit.... please give me your opinion.
Or just give me your opinion anyway!

08/26/2017 11:38am

Great amp for the money!! What exactly are you looking for more or less of?

MIchael Wojciak
08/30/2017 7:37pm

I love the "brown" sound out of the amp. Always been more of a gain/distortion lover over the clean. Sabbath over the Eagles.
Anyway, at 57, I can't crank the volume like I would like. So something to bring out the dirty side of the amp, but without the need for killer volumes.
The current speaker is nice, but just seems to be missing something. Fullness, balance, detail....hope this makes sense!

MIchael Wojciak
08/30/2017 7:44pm

This may sound kinda corny, but imagine a Rainbow. All the colors of the visible spectrum at the perfect brightness/intensity for each. None brighter or dimmer than the other. Your eyes being able to appreciate each one equally. Now imagine the colors just seeming off. Some too bright, others just a bit dim.
You can't put a finger on in exactly, but it just looks off. And it's not as pleasing to the eye as you would like.
The current speaker just seems a bit off, and I am hoping to bring out the Rainbow of sounds the amp has to offer.