Thinking about getting a set of either 4 reapers, 4 vet 30s, or 2 and 2 in an x pattern to go with my Splawn Quickrod and Marshall 4x12. Going for more of a heavy, thrash, modern megadeth kind of tone. Anyway, I don't know much about replacing speakers other than what I've seen on YouTube. What is a drop in replacement speaker, as the reaper states it is? What's the difference between that and a normal speaker? Anybody have experience bringing a 412 to a tech to get new speakers and what they paid? I'd like to do it myself as it doesn't seem too daunting but I don't really like soldering. I saw a guy online do quick disconnects instead of solder and that seem to make lots of sense. So many things to consider....
Speakers like these are like the wheels of your car: as long as it's the same size they will fit.
Whether it's a snap-on or solder connection is down to the manufacturer of the cab, or in the event the cab was converted from one to the other, really. I know for a fact that Marshall should be snap-on.
Solder joints done right obviously provides a more secure connection. I solder all my cabs and soldering a cab is one of the easier soldering jobs you can attempt, really. But seeing that most lugs are for snap-on you may have to drill through the lug or wrap the strands around the lug to fit the wire properly.
On the Reaper page:
"The 12” Reaper™ guitar speaker is a DROP IN REPLACEMENT for Celestion™ G12H30 Anniversary Edition"
means the two sound nearly identical.
As Jonas said ... all 12" speakers should be the same size/fit. As for soldering ... I am pretty sure the Splawn will use removable terminals. As discussed here: