Hey all. I'm trying to get some more volume and a rounder sound out of my Vaporizer. My instinct tells me to go G10C but it seems to have a low sensitivity (96db) on the TS parameters on the product page. But the Tone Guide has it listed at 99db which is more what I'm looking for. I may go with the ET10 because it seems like a very cool speaker and appears to be more sensitive (100db) I guess I'm just looking for some advice. Lead me folks. One more thing, this is a 2x10 amp and I'll probably swap both speakers. So one of each is an option, but id like to keep it fairly balanced volume-wise between the two speakers. Thanks!
G10. The 96dB spec is wrong ... it's a solid 99-100! And ... those are taken at 1K ... what makes the G10 so Huge is it's high sensitivity in the 100-800 Hz range.
I realize this is a dated response but I am in the process of replacing the Vaporizer stock speakers with one G10C and one G10C/S to get a mix of tones.
Yea! That will be a HUGE and versatile amp after the upgrade !!