2x10 vs 2x12 - ET65s and ET10s | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

2x10 vs 2x12 - ET65s and ET10s

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James Low
06/23/2016 1:28am


I'm looking at ordering a vertical 2x12 or 2x10 cab for fender clean style mini head. Historically I know I've liked 1x12 speakers better than 1x10 for the large bass they produce, I like the blackface sound of lows and highs for clean. But because it was a mini head, I thought about getting a 2x10 cab the keep the size and weight down. 

1) The only experience I've had with a 2x10 is a Laney VC30, and I found that too midrangey compared to the 1x12 Hot Rod deluxe, which was the main amp I was using at the time. Was that mainly down to the amp and specific speakers, and can a 2x10 sound big and deep?


2) I have an ET65 in my blues jr, so was thinking of getting two ET65s or two ET10s, but Vaughan, is there a reason you suggest pairing the ET65 with a retro 30, but the ET10 with G10C, is that for the increased bass?


3) For home recording, most of the time I'll only be micing one speaker. Is this a reason to get a 2x12 rather than a 2x10, if in general I like the sound of a 1x12 over a 1x10, or can I get a big sound from micing a single 10" speaker in a 2x10 cab?




07/17/2016 8:03am

Hi j,

seems like you do have comparable preferences to I do.

I found very appealing mixing twelves and tens. Though this giving a hard time quite often, there are configurations that work very well. It´s easy to do, because there are special converter rings like these


to make it possible putting a 10" into a 12" cab.

From my experience a G12C mixed with a G10C sounds glorious! The ET65 / G10C as well (suits me better than ET65/G12C), but shines if the box is chambered.

good luck trying,
