speaker newb. Help! | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

speaker newb. Help!

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Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 22 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1202 of /home/wgsusa/public_html/includes/bootstrap.inc).
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12/08/2016 12:27pm

Hey guys! I've only just delved into the world of speakers, and have realized I'm not very happy with what I have at the moment. I have two amps. here's the deal...

The first is a 78 vibrolux thats been blackfaced. As of now, my speakers seem pretty quiet, are lacking some sparkle and definition, and break up sooner than I'd like. I used a humbucking hollowbody and get all my gain from OD pedals. I tour with a soundguy and our whole show is on in ears (ugh), so I don't really have any room to crank my amp and get natural OD. I prefer pedals anyway. I want something that sounds sparkly and articulate when it's clean, but that compresses well and smoothes out when gain is applied to the amp, while not getting too dark. What's a good replacement option???

My 2nd amp is a Fuchs 50 watt Overdrive Supreme, with a 212 cab. The cab currently has Eminence red white and Blues, which are a bit too dark and clunky sounding for me. I do, however, think those speakers work a lot better when I plug my vibrolux into that cabinet. With the Fuchs, however, they don't totally do what I want them to. 

A friend of mine has a set of WSG Invader speakers that he's offered to pass on to me on the house. How would those pair with the Fuchs amp? What sort of results could I expect with those speakers paired with the vibrolux? And again, what are some good 10' wsg spkrs to put in the vibro? I'm down for combinations of different types as well. Any input is appreciated. This is all new territory for me. 



12/15/2016 5:09pm

Cool ... some good stuff here!  And, welcome to the family :-)

So ... for the Vibrolux ... a G10 duo sounds exactly like what you want.

With the Fuchs ... man give the Invaders a test drive and see if you like them ... If not, I'd go with the tested n true combo of a Retro 30 and an ET65 in that cab ... that combo kills on any style!

Oh ... and I hear ya on the in-ears ... like having sex whilst wearing a condom ... better than no sex at all ... but ... :-)